Vreid – Wild North West

Norwegian leaders of the black ‘n roll movement Vreid continue to explore diverse musical territories on the ambitious new concept album “Wild North West” which invites you on an unforgettable journey deep into the mountains.
On the title track an eerie atmosphere introduces a super groovy rhythmic ensemble that will ultimately acquire even faster & heavier dynamics amplifying the band’s fiery blackened roots while a sense of melancholy lingers through the melodic accents of the guitar work.
Throughout “Wolves At Sea” the focus shifts to sombre atmospheric arrangements and darkened melodic guitar phrases yet the inflamed rhythmic patterns can easily channel the ominous essence of Norwegian black metal enhanced by the vicious growls and the monumental drumming.
The mood becomes profoundly sorrowful on “The Morning Red” highlighting the dominant role of the haunting guitar progressions and the soulful clean vocal delivery naturally generating a spellbinding melodic ensemble.
The thick bass lines of “Shadows Of Aurora” lead to a compelling rhythmic crescendo that will gradually embrace a thrilling black ‘n roll momentum fueled by soaring guitar riffs and savage drum blasts marching through a ghastly atmosphere.
The sinister tones of the organ intro on “Shadowland” foreshadow a gloomy grandeur and darkness prevails inevitably as the band skillfully combines hostile rhythmic segments and captivating melodic passages while the finale features a refined melancholia infused piano piece.
The spirit of Sognametal continues to live throughout “Wild North West” yet Vreid never fail to showcase a renewed creative force blending fiery blackened dynamics and alluring melodic moments.


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