Shrapnel – Raised On Decay

Inspired by decades of uncompromising energetic thrash metal British metallers Shrapnel unleash the crushing sophomore full length “Raised On Decay”.

“Hollow Earth” opens the album with dismal atmospheric essence followed by a mixture of smoothly darkened melodic guitars cutting through a faster and absolutely heavy rhythmic pattern reminiscent of classic thrash metal.

“Pariah” displays immediately some cathartic melodic quality but as guitars and drums acquire explosive speed the resulting thick rhythmic galore calls for relentless devastation interrupted only by the impressive lead guitars.

“Echoes Of Emptiness” keeps a somber mood with the right amount of cohesive chunky guitar riffs and angered vocals but the true highlight can be found in the charismatic guitar solos which bring refined creativity maintaining a solid thrash attitude.

“Carved From Above” favors a frenetic guitar driven assault that certainly owes its inner strength to massive thrash influences while once again the powerful caliber of the lead guitar work tends to stand out with shredded melodic grandeur.

“Choir Of Wolves” temporarily becomes more atmospheric with the addition of soulful grim melodic passages but definitely doesn’t put aside the usual fiery thrash intensity that still holds a prime role in the raw rhythmic patterns.

“Raised On Decay” is meant to impress the listeners with audacious often aggressive guitar driven thrash anthems that can easily reach chaotic speed yet Shrapnel also manage to balance everything with scattered melodic moments.