Blackened post-hardcore band Glassing manifests a multifaceted sonic vision depicting a bleak reality through the darkened soundscapes of the third full-length “Twin Dream”.
Surrounded by a gelid atmosphere “Spire” focuses on a chaotic rhythmic rampage constantly fueled by the abrasive riffage and the desperate screams yet as the tempo slows down guitars meticulously craft poignant melodic progressions.
On “Burden” the dissonant sound of the mighty rhythmic section can easily generate oppressive grooves while the lead guitar work has the chance to follow a moody melodic pathway ultimately leading to slower desolate passages.
On “Absolute Virtue” the monumental drumming immediately picks up speed to deliver an aggressive rhythmic assault while the convoluted guitar progressions evoke despair and grief flowing through a murky atmosphere.
The title track emphasizes crestfallen feelings with contemplative atmospheric tapestries, calmer clean vocals and comforting melodic guitar phrases channeling dreamy shoegaze influences that will ultimately evolve into a distorted frantic finale.
“Amongst the Stars” builds savage dissonant grooves with the impactful post-hardcore flair of the raw guitar sound yet there is still space for some soothing nostalgia infused melodies.
An overwhelming melancholia lingers through “At Long Last” as the melodic guitar work acquires ethereal tonalities floating sinuously within a blurry atmospheric maze and the vocals become distant whispers enhancing the emotive themes.
Within the gloomy world of “Twin Dream” you can always perceive contrasting emotions as Glassing embrace hazy shoegaze aesthetics yet can also confidently build visceral rhythmic blasts.