Devilment is mainly known for its charismatic infamous lead singer Dani Filth who introduced the once underground band to the glorious metal scene. Dani must take Devilment seriously as confirmed by his commitment in the creation of the band’s second album “Devilment II: The Mephisto Waltzes” which is not an extreme metal music piece but definitely shines for its dark music roots.
“Judas Stein” kicks off with a proper horror flick atmosphere that allows Dani’s ominous growls to take the center stage. There is a persistent gothic influence in the crushing guitar riffs and the keyboards’ sound which come together to keep a particular dark mood.
“Hitchcock Blonde” is an immediate favorite with its rich versatile rock texture emphasized by dissonant keyboards and a dreadful catchy chorus. Dani adds the perfect dose of devilish vehemence soothed by inspiring atmospheric keyboard arrangements.
“Under The Thunder” has a modern metallic edge embedded in the guitar riffs that build a catchy rhythm while sinister keyboards provide a generous dose of dark melodies. Lauren Francis adds soft harmonious vocals while Dani’s signature growls deliver an endless darkness.
Soothing ballad style piano melodies create a sense of nostalgia on “Full Dark, No Stars”. Lauren’s vocals again deliver delicate harmonies that are destined to be eventually tainted by a dark shroud of raw guitar riffs and horrific growls.
“Dea Della Morte” features an alluring vocal duet that evokes a feverish love tragedy. Classical piano and ethereal keyboards provide a highly melodic musical core while the guitar riffs acquire nightmarish metal accents.
With “Devilment II: The Mephisto Waltzes” Dani Filth & co have successfully concocted a deliciously spectral collection of songs that always keep an edgy gothic/horror rock attitude that would certainly entertain a wide audience, especially those who like to believe that everyday it’s Halloween.