American black metal act Empyrean Throne will soon self-release the debut full length “Chaosborne”, meticulously crafted with epic symphonic accents and highly influenced by successful bands such as Dimmu Borgir and Cradle Of Filth.
“The Twilight Order” shines for the elegant classical orchestrations with evident gothic accents while the rest of the song effortlessly blends cold traditional black metal fury and solemn symphonic themes.
“Sed Nomini Tuo Da Gloriam” features arcane atmospheres that, bringing to mind ancient rituals in the middle of the woods, offer a solid background orchestration to support the variegated vocal styles and the enraging ensemble of guitar riffs further embellished by a rather melodic baroque guitar solo.
On “Stormrite Ascension” sinister screams create a mysterious aura, ominously triumphant choirs and symphonic orchestrations add dramatic theatrical depth while smooth guitar riffs create an enjoyable groove.
The title track showcases more dramatic and cinematic atmospheres all around with tormented vocals and a brutal chaotic rhythmic backbone while polished guitar leads and theatrical choirs convey gracefully luminous melodies.
“Haereticus Stellarum pt I” stands out for the untainted melancholy portrayed by minimal arpeggios, tragically poetic orchestrations and somber guitar riffs while fierce growls and screams evoke a realm of endless darkness.
“Haereticus Stellarum pt II” unleashes a majestic mixture of savagely raw black metal guitar riffs with the addition of sober symphonic orchestration and solemn chants in the midst of a gloomy gothic atmosphere
“Chaosborne” does feel like a debut album with some rough edges and occasional repetitive songwriting themes but it is certainly a well executed cohesive effort filled with that deliciously decadent darkness we all long for.