Renowned guitarist John 5 and his backing band The Creatures return with a flamboyant album entitled “Season Of The Witch” which offers intense virtuosic jams with creative twists that combine multiple music genres.
“Black Grass Plague” starts with some serious guitar riffing that generates a catchy rhythm enhanced by loads of elegant technical shredding while towards the end of the song John 5 adds a cute bluegrass style banjo solo.
“Guitars, Tits And Monsters” features fierce rock/metal riffing while the irresistible full blown virtuoso style guitar work effortlessly gives way to a fancy jazzy fusion momentum.
“Making Monsters” has an intense metal rhythm that would sound super groovy at a live show. As expected, the rhythm is continuously embellished by experimental guitar elements and smooth inflamed shredding that simply cannot be ignored.
“Here’s To The Crazy Ones” combines blistering tapping and shredding with charismatic jazz fusion incursions and overall maintains a memorable catchy melody.
“The Macabre” is moody and quite somber focusing on more relaxed sinuous melodies and absolutely impressive tapping.
The title track could have not been groovier with a vibrant heavier metal core emphasized by creepy industrial accents and enriched by smoothly intricate guitar work.
“Season Of The Witch” is a rather entertaining instrumental effort with a macabre touch and John 5 is not only demonstrating his eclectic musicianship as he is also sharing with the listeners his genuine passion for diverse music styles.