Leaving behind a troubled situation the glorious artistic rebirth of reverend Marilyn Manson is embodied by the intoxicating new opus “One Assassination Under God – Chapter 1”.
As an invitation to a mysterious ritual the title track dwells within a distorted dreamy soundscape where vocals unleash pure passion and guitars acquire a sinister flare inducing a profound self-reflection.
“No Funeral Without Applause” showcases a mellow heart yet we inevitably feel lost within a dark fairytale where Manson freely shifts from fragile vocals to wild screams well supported by the 90’s alt-rock vibes of the attractive guitar work.
It would be natural to start obsessing over “As Sick As The Secrets Within” as this track feels intimate and deliciously wicked at the same time focusing on an elegant melodic composition and the perfect dosage of gritty rhythmic dynamics.
“Death Is Not A Costume” relies on an addictive chorus but mainly reveals lugubrious tonalities through dismal guitar harmonies and hazy atmospheric arrangements that allow Manson’s voice to express moody emotions.
“Sacrifice Of The Mass” slows down to fully showcase an introspective side as Manson’s tormented vocal delivery skillfully complemented by bittersweet arpeggios seem to float within an opulent obscure atmospheric realm.
Like a full blown rockstar and irreverent icon Marilyn Manson successfully reshapes his mischievous artistry and satisfies his faithful acolytes with the intellectual force of the darkened grooves of “One Assassination Under God – Chapter 1” and we eagerly await the next chapter of this tumultuous musical endeavor.
Category: Album Reviews 2024
Alcest – Les Chants De L’Aurore
In the crowded metal scene French blackgaze pioneers Alcest will always stand out for innovative composition and fascinating spiritualism, as a result the highly anticipated record “Les Chants De L’Aurore” clearly manifests striking creative abilities.
“Komorebi” is certainly the legit product of the band’s well tested formula putting in the center uplifting shoegaze motives without forgetting the inner darker side embodied by faster intense rhythmic dynamics.
Throughout “Améthyste” guitars choose delicate tonalities to meticulously weave dreamy melodies and magnetic crescendos leaving space to the genuine expression of emotional themes while the harsh vocals obviously reminisce of cryptic black metal influences.
It feels like sleeping on the cold grass under a starry night as the airy arpeggios of “L’Enfant de la Lune” flow gently around you and Neige’s soothing vocal style perfectly complements the intricate guitar phrases and the delightful atmospheric arrangements.
“L’adieu” moves sinuously representing a truly haunting finale focusing on poetic minimalist harmonies and evocative chants that belong to a distant dimension or maybe a limbo between life and death but certainly not the real world here and now.
On the 7th opus “Les Chants De L’Aurore” Alcest bravely open a gateway to the spiritual world with an elegant sonic vision bound to move the audience.
Worshipper – One Way Trip
Boston’s psychedelic hard rockers Worshipper deliver an infectious collection of guitar driven tunes on the sparkling third full-length “One Way Trip” and we certainly wanna join this ride.
“Heroic Dose” is a mighty straightforward track that tells you what to expect from these reckless rockers using big electrifying riffs to create a solid series of massive grooves showcasing a fancy twin guitars work.
“Windowpane” holds an alluring nostalgia as the old school guitar sound captures your attention and the band skillfully mixes colossal guitar riffs and dramatic melodic accents fully expressed within the moody chorus.
“Only Alive” has a vibrant rock energy that inevitably hits you in the face with the ideal dosage of gritty riffs and galloping drum blasts white vocals maintain somber undertones rightfully emphasized by hyper psychedelic synths.
Throughout “James Motel” guitars acquire darker mysterious tonalities to create suspenseful rhythmic progressions as something scary might be right here all around us while the memorable chorus feels as catchy as possible.
“Onward” reveals an introspective melodic heart as guitars rely on recurring gloomy arpeggios and over the top passionate vocals to build a constant epic rhythmic tension ultimately leading to a spacey atmospheric grand finale.
Worshipper are not trying to impress you with special effects instead they bravely take a “One Way Trip” making it as wild as possible to properly carry the torch for authentic heavy psych rock in this chaotic modern world.
Vltimas – Epic
Featuring extraordinary artists, extreme metal powerhouse Vltimas is ready to raise the bar conjuring arcane forces throughout the sophomore release “Epic”.
The title track is a fierce representation of the band’s musical pathway as guitars immediately take the center stage delivering the perfect dose of malevolent riffs and anguished melodic themes complemented by David Vincent’s majestic vocals.
On the impactful track “Miserere” as the drums acquire extra speed and violence guitars inevitably engage in an unrestrained rhythmic rampage in proper death metal fashion destined to reach the acme with a wicked solo.
“Mephisto Manifesto” aptly manifests diabolical tones through the sophisticated darkened melodic lines and David’s devilish vocal delivery while the tight rhythmic section skillfully builds memorable dynamics.
“Invictus” captures your attention with aptly epic vocals and consequently aims to become a groovy march to war constantly fueled by the hammering drums and often embellished by evocative slow burning guitar leads.
“Spoils Of War” maintains the ideal combo of gritty riffage and darkly contemplative melodic passage emphasized by the shadowy guitar sound delivering some accomplished technical variations.
“Epic” ultimately symbolizes the rightful product of an honest creative method as Vltimas meticulously shape their signature sound and invoke the profane strength of extreme metal to confidently put together a massive sonic assault.
Lucifer – Lucifer V
Occult heavy rockers Lucifer descend upon us with the blazing force of the unholy new release “Lucifer V”.
“At The Mortuary” instantly takes you back to the golden age of 70’s heavy rock as the infectious guitar riffs run wildly through an inflamed rhythmic ensemble while an eerie doom inspiration inevitably leads to dramatic atmospheric textures.
The seductive decadence of “Slow Dance in A Crypt” leads to slow burning melodic waves and you can appreciate how the darker guitar tones are easily adorned by the bittersweet vocal harmonies and the catchy chorus.
With a morbid playful title “A Coffin Has No Silver Lining” focuses on the unrestrained sizzling guitar riffs that spontaneously build groovy dynamics enhanced by a perfect vintage sound.
“The Dead Don’t Speak” is another entertaining tune revolving around monumental guitar riffs destined to grab your attention and while you’re having fun the overall ghastly mood reminds you that something creepy might be lurking in the darkness.
With the final track “Nothing Left To Lose But My Life” we enter a captivating melancholic realm where Johanna’s eloquent vocals enrich the warm melodic themes while the guitar work can still acquire an energetic momentum leading to an excellent solo.
As Lucifer proudly conjure the darkened & groovy essence of classic doom/heavy rock the strength of “Lucifer V” evidently comes from the bewitching guitar driven grooves and Johanna’s charismatic vocal performance.