Worshipper – One Way Trip

Boston’s psychedelic hard rockers Worshipper deliver an infectious collection of guitar driven tunes on the sparkling third full-length “One Way Trip” and we certainly wanna join this ride.
“Heroic Dose” is a mighty straightforward track that tells you what to expect from these reckless rockers using big electrifying riffs to create a solid series of massive grooves showcasing a fancy twin guitars work.
“Windowpane” holds an alluring nostalgia as the old school guitar sound captures your attention and the band skillfully mixes colossal guitar riffs and dramatic melodic accents fully expressed within the moody chorus.
“Only Alive” has a vibrant rock energy that inevitably hits you in the face with the ideal dosage of gritty riffs and galloping drum blasts white vocals maintain somber undertones rightfully emphasized by hyper psychedelic synths.
Throughout “James Motel” guitars acquire darker mysterious tonalities to create suspenseful rhythmic progressions as something scary might be right here all around us while the memorable chorus feels as catchy as possible.
“Onward” reveals an introspective melodic heart as guitars rely on recurring gloomy arpeggios and over the top passionate vocals to build a constant epic rhythmic tension ultimately leading to a spacey atmospheric grand finale.
Worshipper are not trying to impress you with special effects instead they bravely take a “One Way Trip” making it as wild as possible to properly carry the torch for authentic heavy psych rock in this chaotic modern world.

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