Ison is a particularly intriguing new project started by the talented multiinstrumentalist Daniel Änghede of Crippled Black Phoenix and vocalist Heike Langhans of Draconian and the debut full length “Inner – Space” invites you to join them on a fascinating cosmic journey.
The title track takes you far away, maybe to an astral plane or even another galaxy, with the cinematic approach featuring tasteful multilayered arrangements and lovely guitar harmonies that evoke a rare sense of tranquility surrounding Heike’s absolutely spellbinding voice.
The striking emotional duet with guest vocalist Neige of Alcest is the highlight of “Radiance” which feels aptly luminous like a distant nostalgic memory that you keep trying to hold close to your heart as it flows through the delicate melancholic maze of atmospheric ensemble and soothing guitar melodies.
“Equals” is made of dreams and pale lights as the enchanting atmospheric arrangements and Heike’s gentle vocals surround you and keep you warm while the slow burning guitar melodies seem to spread an intense cosmic energy.
On “The Fifth World” Heike’s celestial vocal harmonies guide you through a spacey journey surrounded by the ethereal tonalities and the profound melancholy of the lavish atmospheric synths channeling a dreamy shoegaze inspiration.
On “Everything’s About To Change Forever” the vivid beauty of the elaborate cinematic arrangements can evoke gloomy feelings as well as uplifting vibes and Heike’s sincere vocal delivery certainly emphasize the introspective depth.
While the music style of Ison might be hard to categorize it’s easy to fall in love and basically space out listening to the magical soundscapes and kaleidoscopic emotions that render “Inner – Space” an immersive sonic experience.