Icelandic black metallers Nexion invite you to join an obscure journey through the coldest depths of existence on the debut release “Seven Oracles”.
The title track is drenched in darkness as the gloomy guitar tonalities naturally generate a cohesive series of intense blackened grooves and the resulting ominous vibes are always enhanced by the malevolent growls yet when the rhythm slows down bewitching guitar melodies have the chance to evoke mournful emotions.
“Revelation Of Unbeing” immediately showcases an aggressive approach with inflamed drum blasts while guitars at times focus on darkened melodic progressions leading to strong contemplative vibes before returning to a malignant rhythmic rampage.
“Sanctum Amentiae” stands out for the occult flair of the compelling guitar melodies that emphasize the immersive nature of the song but will soon embrace a diabolical sonic realm with the perfect dosage of funereal guitar riffs and imposing rhythmic dynamics.
The intricate “The Last Messiah” closes the album channeling the obscure glory of traditional black metal with fierce & fast rhythmic patterns yet once again the frostbitten guitar tonalities have the ability to amplify the dramatic depth with brooding melodic crescendos.
The mythical & spiritual motifs behind “Seven Oracles” come to life through the balanced mixture of mysterious melodic waves and pure fury proving that Nexion have meticulously and passionately crafted an intriguing debut album.