Spanish black metal outfit Aversio Humanitatis will drag you into the darkest abyss with the monolithic soundscapes of the latest full length “Behold The Silent Dwellers”.
Throughout “The Weaver Of Tendons” the rhythmic section can spontaneously unleash an overdose of inflamed blackened dynamics with faster brutal drumming and relentless riffage while the lugubrious melodic progressions and the consequent grave feelings lead to an intense contemplative momentum.
“The Sculptor Of Thoughts” immediately generates a lethal blackened assault with the fierce rhythmic patterns fueled by the untamed drumming and the ominous guitar tonalities that can trigger hostile riffage as well as deeply mournful melodies enriched by the dramatic vocal delivery.
“The Wanderer Of Abstract Paths” depicts a hopeless world through the monumental rhythmic maze offering borderline dissonant riffage and passionate grim guitar phrases that easily emphasize the darkened tonalities and the ferocious black metal roots.
“The Scribe Of Dust” is an invitation to embrace the darkness as the whole instrumental ensemble still channels the coldest black metal elements with merciless rhythmic segments but the guitar work tends to follow a gloomy sonic pathway with fascinating darkened harmonies flowing through a desolate sonic realm.
Aversio Humanitatis proudly manifest a primordial force that you can constantly perceive running through the fiery blackened grooves within the dystopian realm of “Behold The Silent Dwellers”.