Icelandic atmospheric black metal band Auðn portrays the sheer beauty of wintry desolate landscapes blending harsh tonalities and dreamy melodies on the latest offering “Vökudraumsins fangi”.
In the beginning “Einn um alla tíð” offers bittersweet acoustic arpeggios that introduce a fiery blackened momentum leading to savage guitar riffs, monumental drumming and desperate growls that channel an inner torment yet an eloquent melodic flair comes to life through the elegant melodic passages.
The darkened atmosphere of “Birtan hugann brennir” feels quite comforting during sleepless winter nights as the majestic guitar work steals the spotlight fully embracing an overwhelming melancholia that leads to a refined melodic ensemble.
The elaborate dynamics of “Verður von að bráð” can unleash a ferocious blackened force constantly fueled by the memorable riffage and the faster drum blasts yet the atmospheric nuances and the melodic guitars continue to emphasize an alluring emotional depth.
On “Næðir um” we enter a gelid melodic realm where the slower nostalgic guitar phrases seem to glow floating through the mystifying atmosphere but the inflamed rhythmic section can often channel a ruthless blackened momentum.
“Ljóstýra” feels like a beautiful daydream as the mellow melodic guitars express an eternal sense of longing that in factl lingers throughout the song even if the heavier frostbitten rhythmic segments spontaneously acquire obscure tonalities.
Showcasing an intricate composition the title track closes the album focusing on sweeping evocative melodic progressions that once again highlight the exquisite guitar leads that effortlessly express somber feelings keeping in mind the stark beauty of the volcanic soil in Iceland.
Listening to “Vökudraumsins fangi” we feel stuck in a perennial state of delusion as Auðn confidently follow a fascinating artistic evolution to craft immensely melancholic soundscapes and cold blackened grooves.