Featuring renowned musicians Anders Odden and Dirk Verbeuren, Cadaver celebrate their triumphant comeback manifesting a brand new venomous sonic vision on the full length “Edder & Bile”.
“Morgue Ritual” could not sound more aggressive as the rhythmic section concocts a series of fast & brutal grooves with a familiar death metal approach and the crazy shredding galore of the guitar solo can leave you breathless.
Featuring Jeff Becerra of Possessed, “Circle Of Morbidity” relies on relentless riffage and malignant growls marching fiercely through the towering ruthless rhythmic patterns enriched by the mournful tonalities of the lead guitar work.
“Feed The Pigs” features the guttural growls of Kam Lee of Massacre and you simply cannot escape the belligerent rhythmic rampage fueled by the thunderous drum blasts and the visceral guitar riffs.
The sonic assault of “Final Fight” creates an asphyxiating rhythmic ensemble that constantly expresses angered feelings easily amplified by the hellish growls and the savage guitar work.
The title track continues to follow a no frills death metal pathway as the precise drumming demands breakneck speed and pure rage yet guitars will have a chance to deliver some somber rhythmic twists.
“Let Me Burn” is still filled with raw energy yet the slightly slower ominous tempo allows guitars to craft a fair dosage of intriguing darkened phrases which will reach the acme with some inflamed shredding.
The sonic realm of “Edder & Bile” sounds quite chaotic and hostile as Cadaver confidently deliver unrestrained guitar driven grooves channeling the devastating force of old school death metal.