Leaving behind a troubled situation the glorious artistic rebirth of reverend Marilyn Manson is embodied by the intoxicating new opus “One Assassination Under God – Chapter 1”.
As an invitation to a mysterious ritual the title track dwells within a distorted dreamy soundscape where vocals unleash pure passion and guitars acquire a sinister flare inducing a profound self-reflection.
“No Funeral Without Applause” showcases a mellow heart yet we inevitably feel lost within a dark fairytale where Manson freely shifts from fragile vocals to wild screams well supported by the 90’s alt-rock vibes of the attractive guitar work.
It would be natural to start obsessing over “As Sick As The Secrets Within” as this track feels intimate and deliciously wicked at the same time focusing on an elegant melodic composition and the perfect dosage of gritty rhythmic dynamics.
“Death Is Not A Costume” relies on an addictive chorus but mainly reveals lugubrious tonalities through dismal guitar harmonies and hazy atmospheric arrangements that allow Manson’s voice to express moody emotions.
“Sacrifice Of The Mass” slows down to fully showcase an introspective side as Manson’s tormented vocal delivery skillfully complemented by bittersweet arpeggios seem to float within an opulent obscure atmospheric realm.
Like a full blown rockstar and irreverent icon Marilyn Manson successfully reshapes his mischievous artistry and satisfies his faithful acolytes with the intellectual force of the darkened grooves of “One Assassination Under God – Chapter 1” and we eagerly await the next chapter of this tumultuous musical endeavor.
Tag: nuclear blast
Alcest – Les Chants De L’Aurore
In the crowded metal scene French blackgaze pioneers Alcest will always stand out for innovative composition and fascinating spiritualism, as a result the highly anticipated record “Les Chants De L’Aurore” clearly manifests striking creative abilities.
“Komorebi” is certainly the legit product of the band’s well tested formula putting in the center uplifting shoegaze motives without forgetting the inner darker side embodied by faster intense rhythmic dynamics.
Throughout “Améthyste” guitars choose delicate tonalities to meticulously weave dreamy melodies and magnetic crescendos leaving space to the genuine expression of emotional themes while the harsh vocals obviously reminisce of cryptic black metal influences.
It feels like sleeping on the cold grass under a starry night as the airy arpeggios of “L’Enfant de la Lune” flow gently around you and Neige’s soothing vocal style perfectly complements the intricate guitar phrases and the delightful atmospheric arrangements.
“L’adieu” moves sinuously representing a truly haunting finale focusing on poetic minimalist harmonies and evocative chants that belong to a distant dimension or maybe a limbo between life and death but certainly not the real world here and now.
On the 7th opus “Les Chants De L’Aurore” Alcest bravely open a gateway to the spiritual world with an elegant sonic vision bound to move the audience.
Lucifer – Lucifer V
Occult heavy rockers Lucifer descend upon us with the blazing force of the unholy new release “Lucifer V”.
“At The Mortuary” instantly takes you back to the golden age of 70’s heavy rock as the infectious guitar riffs run wildly through an inflamed rhythmic ensemble while an eerie doom inspiration inevitably leads to dramatic atmospheric textures.
The seductive decadence of “Slow Dance in A Crypt” leads to slow burning melodic waves and you can appreciate how the darker guitar tones are easily adorned by the bittersweet vocal harmonies and the catchy chorus.
With a morbid playful title “A Coffin Has No Silver Lining” focuses on the unrestrained sizzling guitar riffs that spontaneously build groovy dynamics enhanced by a perfect vintage sound.
“The Dead Don’t Speak” is another entertaining tune revolving around monumental guitar riffs destined to grab your attention and while you’re having fun the overall ghastly mood reminds you that something creepy might be lurking in the darkness.
With the final track “Nothing Left To Lose But My Life” we enter a captivating melancholic realm where Johanna’s eloquent vocals enrich the warm melodic themes while the guitar work can still acquire an energetic momentum leading to an excellent solo.
As Lucifer proudly conjure the darkened & groovy essence of classic doom/heavy rock the strength of “Lucifer V” evidently comes from the bewitching guitar driven grooves and Johanna’s charismatic vocal performance.
Graveyard – 6
Swedish heavy rock masters Graveyard embark on an unforgettable sonic journey through the hypnotizing melodic waves of the first record in five years simply entitled “6”.
The album opener “Godnatt” features a captivating series of bittersweet melodic themes that put the spotlight on the masterful guitar work and perfectly complement Joakim Nilsson’s moody vocal performance.
You feel comfortably wrapped by the warm melodic lines moving sinuously through “I Follow You” and the fuzzed out guitar phrases run wild & free to ultimately build sensational rhythmic crescendos.
“Breathe In Breathe Out” focuses on a slow burning melodic flow emphasizing the compelling vocal harmonies and the charming vintage guitar sound reaching the acme with an extensive impeccable solo.
Loads of energetic blasts emerge throughout “Just A Drop” as guitars and fiery drums meticulously generate trippy rhythmic patterns while the soulful melodies maintain the album’s minimalist vision.
“Rampant Fields” still showcases a glowing ballad style with a memorable melancholic chorus enhanced by Joakim’s soothing vocal delivery and definitely enriched by the psychedelic textures of the simmering Hammond.
Formed in Gothenburg in 2006 Graveyard continue to demonstrate passion and creativity developing an elaborate songwriting approach that now spontaneously leads to the bluesy & hazy soundscapes of “6”.
Immortal – War Against All
Norwegian black metal titans Immortal embark on a new musical journey through the frostbitten soundscapes of the long awaited 10th studio album “War Against All”, composed and performed by Demonaz.
Like a declaration of war the title track just seems unstoppable as the monumental drums build a perilously fast rhythmic core enhanced by the malevolent combo of insane growls and visceral guitar riffs.
Throughout “Wargod” the crunchy guitars spontaneously lead to groovy dynamics without an exaggerated speed but certainly maintaining a gelid black metal approach embellished by a softer contemplative momentum.
“Return To Cold” takes you to a remote forest surrounded by dramatic atmospheric textures and guitars skillfully combine compelling somber melodies and fierce riffage.
The instrumental track “Norlandihr” revolves around a cold blend of Nordic melancholia infused melodic waves and inflamed blackened rhythmic blasts that emphasize the masterful guitar work.
Within the gloomy realm of “Blashyrkh My Throne” a mournful melodic essence emerges through recurring refined arpeggios nevertheless the vicious growls and the unrestrained guitars generate blistering rhythmic patterns.
Undoubtedly Immortal stay true to their majestic black metal legacy delivering sheer fury and undiluted darkness throughout “War Against All” which will instantly please their loyal acolytes.
Deathstars – Everything Destroys You
It’s hard to believe that we had to wait over eight years but finally Swedish deathglam masters Deathstars make a glorious comeback unleashing pure energy and undiluted darkness throughout the new full-length “Everything Destroys You”.
“This Is” revolves around bombastic rhythmic patterns featuring a winning combo of gritty guitar riffs, industrial style electro layers and rich atmospheric textures ultimately leading to a super catchy chorus.
“Anti All” is surrounded by a cold atmospheric ensemble that highlights recurring somber tones and contemplative harmonies but the rhythmic section gradually picks up speed & strength to build some abrasive grooves.
The title track tends to follow a slower tempo skillfully blending gloomy multilayered synths and memorable rhythmic dynamics around Whiplasher Bernadotte’s baritone vocal delivery which also amplifies a sinister mood.
“Between Volumes and Voids” packs a punch with an overdose of relentless crunchy guitar riffs and the chorus is absolutely addictive embellished by delicate female backing vocals and refined atmospheric tapestries.
“The Infrahuman Masterpiece” begins with deeply melancholic melodies and often puts the spotlight on the fascinating atmospheric waves nevertheless guitars are always ready to craft plenty of robust grooves.
On “Angel of Fortune and Crime” the industrial flair becomes evident through the wicked heavier guitar work amplified by nightmarish vocals and enriched by an appealing mix of dramatic atmospheric arrangements and futuristic electronic accents.
In the end you won’t be able to resist the stomping rhythmic galore and the seductive gothic vibes of “Everything Destroys You” and even if it took a while Deathstars proudly manifest a wild creative force.
Overkill – Scorched
Thrash metal legends Overkill have been around for four decades and the release of the twentieth studio album “Scorched” clearly demonstrates that they are still unstoppable staying true to their legacy while expanding their sonic vision.
The title track stands out for the flamboyant guitars leading the way to a merciless rhythmic assault fueled by the monolithic drumming and obviously Bobby Blitz amplifies the savage old school thrash metal spirit with his signature screams.
Throughout “Goin’ Home” the charismatic guitar leads can maintain sorrowful melodic vibes nevertheless the abrasive riffage and the extra speed inevitably generate colossal thrash grooves.
The towering rhythmic section on “The Surgeon” unleashes sheer fury as the fast chunky guitar riffs demand constant headbanging and the solo adds some pleasant fancy licks.
Surrounded by a darkened aura “Twist Of The Wick” certainly highlights the musical prowess through the impeccable variegated guitar work shifting from scorching riffs to elegant slightly melodic leads enriched by solemn choirs
On “Wicked Place” the relentless guitars continue to build insanely energetic grooves and wicked leads around Bobby’s ravenous vocal performance ultimately leading to a sinister atmospheric grand finale.
“Fever” still packs plenty of classic thrash grooves to ensure a full blown moshpit yet the slower passages add a dramatic depth with contemplative atmospheric arrangements and nostalgic guitar phrases.
As the title aptly suggests on “Scorched” Overkill are literally ready to set everything on fire proudly delivering all the expected massive thrash grooves with the addition of tasteful melodic accents.
In Flames – Foregone
Swedish icons In Flames are ready to begin a new successful musical journey with the highly anticipated album “Foregone” which clearly represents the future of the band exploring wider modern metal territories without necessarily forgetting their glorious melodeath roots.
Listening to “State Of Slow Decay” you can perceive the massive heaviness of the earlier days as the monolithic rhythmic section goes on a savage rampage to create harsh dynamics enhanced by the insanely aggressive growls.
“Foregone Pt. 2” features recurring sorrowful arpeggios emphasizing the passionate clean vocals nevertheless guitars have the chance to acquire heavier tones generating powerful rhythmic blasts.
The mellow passages of “Pure Light Of Mind” highlight a sophisticated melodic composition as the crispy guitar phrases smoothly unravel around Anders Fridén’s impeccable vocal performance.
As the title suggests there is a darkened essence lingering through “In The Dark” relying on the strength of the fierce guitar riffs yet all the mighty grooves ultimately lead to a rather catchy chorus.
With a loud & groovy rhythmic core “A Dialogue in b Flat Minor” is meant to be played live and please a big crowd as guitars fully embrace a luminous modern sound especially evident in the radio friendly chorus.
“End The Transmission” closes the album returning to angered themes that demand vicious growls and unrestrained guitar riffs to build a generous dose of hostile rhythmic patterns reminiscent of an old school formula.
With the release of “Foregone” In Flames definitely appear in excellent shape working hard to perfect their distinct songwriting style combining memorable guitar driven grooves and elegant melodic motifs.
Host – IX
Nick Holmes and Greg Mackintosh of legendary Paradise Lost finally found the time to resurrect the Host project delivering the new full length “IX” evidently inspired by the glorious New Wave and Goth music scenes.
“Wretched Soul” instantly manifests a seductive goth vision as Nick’s haunting vocals flow smoothly through the hypnotizing multilayered synths spiced up by dreamy guitar phrases.
“Divine Emotion” is bound to spellbind you with an impeccable mix of melancholic piano melodies and rich atmospheric textures ultimately leading to a rather addictive chorus.
Throughout “Hiding From Tomorrow” guitars become more dominant crafting steady riffs and sorrowful harmonies enriched by the futuristic electronic elements.
You can appreciate the eclectic synths of “A Troubled Mind” maintaining a gloomy yet dancefloor friendly mood in proper darkwave fashion while guitars can add some crispy melodic accents.
Everything feels bleak on “Inquisition” due to the slower rhythmic patterns and the constant hazy synths surrounding Nick’s contemplative vocal delivery.
The atmospheric arrangements of “I Ran” might sound darker and a bit surreal but the rhythm seamlessly shifts from softer introspective moments to super catchy dynamics.
It’s easy to notice the strong connection between Paradise Lost album “Host” and “IX” as Nick and Greg here have the freedom to experiment following a different musical pathway that naturally leads to fascinating melodies and darkened atmospheres.
Enslaved – Heimdal
It all started with the infamous Norway’s black metal scene three decades ago and since then Enslaved fearlessly have been exploring diverse sounds and concepts to reach another crucial milestone releasing the thrilling 16th studio album “Heimdal”.
The esoteric journey begins with the ceremonial horn of “Behind The Mirror” which grabs your attention with a complex composition putting the spotlight on the sharp guitar riffs and the consequent majestic rhythmic rampage carefully embellished by soothing clean vocals and surreal atmospheric nuances.
“Forest Dweller” shifts the focus to a compelling melodic grandeur featuring ethereal acoustic passages accompanied by the poignant vocal delivery nevertheless a sinister blackened force is bound to take over through the colossal drumming and the ravenous growls.
Throughout “The Eternal Sea” the fascinating clean vocal harmonies and the crispy guitar tonalities create an epic melodic flow while the galloping riffs lead to a dramatically heavier momentum ultimately channeling the band’s obscure black metal roots.
The title track opens a portal to an ancestral realm as the intricate synths arrangements meticulously craft a perennial mystifying aura around the elaborate rhythmic patterns fueled by the proggy guitar leads and groovy riffs.
Within the kaleidoscopic world of “Heimdal” Enslaved once again demonstrate an eclectic songwriting approach revolving around the most mysterious entity in Nordic mythology and skillfully combining rich prog dynamics and inflamed black metal elements.