Hailing from Suffolk Ghosts Of Atlantis presents to the world the monumental debut full length “3.6. 2.4” conceptually inspired by the mythology of ancient Greece and the lost city of Atlantis.
“The Third Pillar” marks a triumphant beginning as the multilayered symphonic tapestries and the majestic choirs evoke a solemn atmosphere surrounding a quite aggressive blackened rhythmic rampage certainly amplified by the vicious growls.
The atmospheric grandeur of “Halls Of Lemurai” introduces a dazzling mix of inflamed heavier rhythmic patterns and fascinating symphonic arrangements while the slower passages highlight the sophisticated melodic guitar phrases and the passionate clean vocals.
“The Curse Of Man” stands out for the exquisite combo of subtle atmospheric layers and somber melodies accompanied by the theatrical vocal delivery yet the savage guitar driven grooves will often channel a merciless blackened force.
The menacing rhythmic blasts on “Gardens Of Athena” still manifest extreme metal elements but the focus shifts on sumptuous orchestrations and poignant melodic crescendos featuring polished guitar tonalities that will lead to a darkly contemplative breakdown enriched by dramatic clean vocals.
“The Lost Compass” embodies an epic momentum as the elegant atmospheric textures and the classical piano create intricate soundscapes ultimately leading to catchy melodic passages accompanied by soothing vocal harmonies in contrast with the faster vicious rhythmic dynamics.
Ghosts Of Atlantis proudly begin an exciting sonic endeavor as on “3.6. 2.4” they have successfully created an alluring blend of symphonic grandeur, blackened grooves and brooding aesthetics destined to raise interest in the current metal scene.