Polish duo Misanthur begins a cathartic journey into the deepest corners of consciousness on the debut full-length “Ephemeris”.
On “Enter the Void” you can easily perceive strong post-metal influences through the hazy atmosphere, the jazzy incursions and the monochromatic guitar tonalities while the frantic rhythmic crescendo will reveal an obscure blackened essence.
“On The Heights Of Despair” fully embraces a tormented blackened vision as the primal force of the ravenous growls and the unstoppable tremolo generate hostile rhythmic patterns while the slower passages evoke an overwhelming melancholia.
The ominous vibes of “Black Clouds & No Silver Linings” naturally lead to an unrestrained rhythmic rampage yet the tempo will slow down to emphasize the dramatic depth of the melodic guitar progressions.
Surrounded by a bleak atmosphere the title track focuses on minimalist somber melodies flourishing through a slow murky rhythmic haze and expressing crestfallen emotions.
“The Serpent Crawls” still delivers aggressive blackened blasts but guitars can channel arcane doom elements with an overdose of dense riffs and mournful melodic phrases enhanced by theatrical vocals.
Undoubtedly there is a lot going on throughout “Ephemeris” as Misanthur showcases a darkened enigmatic vision and a multifaceted songwriting approach that ultimately leads to shapeshifting soundscapes.