Featuring Brant Bjork and Nick Oliveri, renowned as founder members of legendary Kyuss, Stöner begins a new sensational desert rock jam on the sophomore release ”totally…”.
“A Million Beers” relies on the raw energy of the magnetic rhythmic section to create loads of fast explosive grooves symbolizing an ideal joyride through the Mojave desert.
“Strawberry Creek (Dirty Feet)” delivers the expected dosage of dirty riffs well supported by the vibrant drumming and spiced up by the contrasting vocal delivery by Brant and Nick.
“Space Dude & The Burn” features the perfect vintage guitar sound and the consequent galloping riffage can easily generate monolithic grooves while the slower and a bit darker breakdown gives way to a series of wild guitar leads.
“Turn It Around Now” is another memorable track that instantly makes you feel dazed & confused with the intense fuzzy riffage and the slow burning guitar progressions emphasized by Brant’s laid back vocal performance.
“Great American Sage” grabs your attention with the moody guitar phrases and the robust bass lines blending warm bluesy tonalities and a hazy heavy rock approach that spontaneously leads to an extensive charismatic solo.
Once again Stöner drags through the desert to party all day long packing dusty melodies and irresistible grooves throughout ”totally…” with an authentic psych stoner rock attitude.