Featuring former members of Crippled Black Phoenix and active/former members of At The Gates, Ison, Tacoma Narrows Bridge Disaster and Louise Lemon, British/Swedish psychedelic/progressive rock collective Venus Principle is ready to impress the audience with the spellbinding soundscapes of the debut album “Stand In Your Light”.
Within the dreamy atmosphere of “Rebel Drones” darkly soothing guitar melodies follow a contemplative pathway and eventually acquire fuzzy undertones to build enticing rhythmic crescendos accompanied by an evocative vocal duet.
The intricate melodic ensemble of “Barricades” puts the spotlight on the warm guitar leads and Daniel Änghede’s emotional vocal delivery while the solid rhythmic section has a chance to embrace a hypnotizing psychedelic approach.
“All These Words” naturally combines hazy atmospheric textures and eloquent guitar phrases which emphasize the catchy prog rock elements and the glowing vocal performance can easily channel bittersweet emotions.
“Shut It Down” shines for the immersive melodic tapestries and the ethereal atmospheric arrangements conveying pure melancholia while Daisy Chapman’s delicate voice easily enhances the memorable chorus.
Surrounded by a blurry atmosphere “Drag Nets” continues to manifest a moody melodic soul through graceful vocals while guitars can craft heavier & darker rock dynamics embellished by the elegant saxophone.
The poignant title track favors a slower and softer tempo to highlight the delightful vocal performance flowing gently through a multilayered atmospheric daydream.
Considering the talented artists behind Venus Principle it’s easy to appreciate the detailed composition that generates truly captivating melodic waves throughout “Stand In Your Light” which is destined to instantly grab your attention.