Nick Holmes and Greg Mackintosh of legendary Paradise Lost finally found the time to resurrect the Host project delivering the new full length “IX” evidently inspired by the glorious New Wave and Goth music scenes.
“Wretched Soul” instantly manifests a seductive goth vision as Nick’s haunting vocals flow smoothly through the hypnotizing multilayered synths spiced up by dreamy guitar phrases.
“Divine Emotion” is bound to spellbind you with an impeccable mix of melancholic piano melodies and rich atmospheric textures ultimately leading to a rather addictive chorus.
Throughout “Hiding From Tomorrow” guitars become more dominant crafting steady riffs and sorrowful harmonies enriched by the futuristic electronic elements.
You can appreciate the eclectic synths of “A Troubled Mind” maintaining a gloomy yet dancefloor friendly mood in proper darkwave fashion while guitars can add some crispy melodic accents.
Everything feels bleak on “Inquisition” due to the slower rhythmic patterns and the constant hazy synths surrounding Nick’s contemplative vocal delivery.
The atmospheric arrangements of “I Ran” might sound darker and a bit surreal but the rhythm seamlessly shifts from softer introspective moments to super catchy dynamics.
It’s easy to notice the strong connection between Paradise Lost album “Host” and “IX” as Nick and Greg here have the freedom to experiment following a different musical pathway that naturally leads to fascinating melodies and darkened atmospheres.