AvAciA & Palehørse live at Meara Klubi, Pori (Finland)

On October 19th, AvAciA and Palehørse performed at Meara Klubi. We have seen both bands at Mera Klubi before so we knew that the show would be good and we were not wrong.
The opening act was AvAciA, a band from Turku who released their second album, “Minä Minä Minä”, in the spring of 2023, produced by the true legend Janne Joutsenniemi. The band offers technical live performances and is able to engage the audience with their energy and humor.
Palehørse took to the stage at Meara Klubi and delighted listeners with their versatile music and the vocal skills of frontman Lassi Mäki-Kala. The band is one of the most exciting acts in the Nordic metal scene, combining extreme technical skills, right-in-your-face attitude, desert-crossing roughness and multiple vocal harmonies in a way that is very hard to categorize but easy to give recognition.
Here some shots taken by Cristina Gregori.

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