With the sixth full length release entitled “Enki”, Melechesh doesn’t seem to step out of the comfortable musical niche that often relies on certain primordial elements of extreme metal. This makes “Enki” a savage album directly dedicated to a particular devoted audience rather than an attempt to attract a diverse range of listeners and expand its musical horizon. Nevertheless, the omnipresent Mesopotamian/Assyrian black metal vibe is what really makes Melechesh’s music more fascinating.
“Tempest Temper Enlil Enraged” features some slower and melodic guitar work but the main focus is the delivery of a high impact array of fast guitar riffing and blasting drumming showing the heaviest side of Melechesh.
Because of the vocal duet with the legendary Max Cavalera from Soulfly, I expected to find some enthralling primitive tribal vibe on “Lost Tribes”. In reality, the song is quite straight forward featuring a fast and furious riffing enraging through a breathless escalating rhythm with some minimal variations.
“Multiple Truths” brings a lighter atmosphere following a slightly more melodic core, embodied by glossy lead guitars, and assembles elements of thrash metal to create a sense of triumphant energy.
Because of its multidimensional nature, “Enki – Divine Nature Awoken” truly stands out and gains an extraordinary momentum when the odd Mesopotamian/Assyrian alchemy full of esoteric undertones takes over. There is a linear melodic harmony here that doesn’t clash at all with the primitive aggression displayed by the confident growls, featuring Sakis Tolis of Rotting Christ, and the intense guitar riffing. Also, the softer and slower aspect of this song, furthermore enriched by ominous chanting, successfully evoke a sense of mysterious catharsis that goes beyond the traditional black or thrash metal realm.
“The Palm The Eye And Lapis Lazuli” features on lead guitar renowned Rob Caggiano who undeniably brings an additional dimension and the shredding style that everybody loves. This song delivers a good balance between a bold aggressive rhythm and an ethereal mystical/spiritual mood.
“Enki” definitely delivers some brilliant moments but, at times, the creative force seems to be weakened by a lack of genuine ambition and desire to cross pre-established boundaries, as Melechesh chooses not to take arduous risks and focuses on the creation of a furious guitar centered album.