In a world where everybody wants to become a famous rockstar Spanish death metallers Altarage beg to differ keeping total anonymity and proclaiming a nihilist approach (towards music or life in general?) that feels extremely palpable on the crushing newest release “Endinghent” .
“Incessant Magma” glorifies an immense sense of cold darkness that inevitably infuses each guitar riff and drum blast while distant pitch black atmospheric echoes render the whole instrumentation quite surreal.
“Spearheaderon” feels like an ominous sonic spiral with recognizable blackened rhythmic patterns that become simply breathless even when guitars slow down to increase malevolent tonalities.
“Rift” might be the most dissonant tune you ever listened to as for a while guitars simply follow a sort of imaginary rhythm that knows no boundaries. When a more listenable blend of murky atmospheres and cascading heavy guitars takes over Altarage diligently guides the listeners through a darkened asphyxiating sonic realm.
“Barrier” is devoted to arcane darkness with tormented vocals straight from the expected blackened abyss lost in time and space while guitars gallop fiercely until slower hypnotizing doom oriented phrases depict a desolate obscure world.
The secretive musicians behind Altarage certainly fulfill their desire to keep an enigmatic music vision delivering immense brutality with cacophonic accents and while extreme metal acolytes will be intrigued by “Endinghent” others might not fully comprehend it.