British avantgarde black metal collective A Forest Of Stars takes William Blake’s proverb “Exuberance is beauty” as its principle to create an intricate ensemble of atmospheric textures and blackened force on the brand new effort “Grave Mounds And Grave Mistakes”.
“Precipice Pirouette” immediately showcases the unpredictable nature of the entire record with histrionic vocal delivery telling a dark story that follows the extremely frantic tremolo picked riffing and consequent fast obscure rhythmic crescendos until a sudden sense of peace generate somber atmospheres and melodic moments.
“Tombward Bound” is not just a song but rather a theatrical piece where the intense dramatic narratives and tormented melodic phrases are surrounded by an eclectic ensemble of modern electro textures, bleak atmospheric layers and blackened dynamics that will always surprise the listeners.
Bittersweet emotions are extremely amplified on “Taken By The Sea” as ethereal atmospheres and graceful vocals hold a crucial role adorned by refined violin melodies with evident dreamy folk vibes and gothic inspiration.
At the same time “Scripturally Transmitted Disease” channels Victorian grandeur and traditional black metal around frenetic or simply crazy theatrical vocals and loads of brooding melodies but this song will become even darker towards the end with peaceful minimalist harmonies.
“Decomposing Deity Dance Hall” can be immensely dramatic in so many unexpected ways as lovely acoustic passages and violin craft classical melodic themes imbued with profound melancholy and traditional folk vibes yet the band manages to add variety with shimmering electro arrangements and uncompromising blackened grooves.
At times “Grave Mounds And Grave Mistakes” can be a challenging album, confidently and constantly evolving into a unique sonic entity that certainly holds dear its inner blackened roots but with complete creative freedom A Forest Of Stars often pushes genre boundaries.