Renowned prolific black metal vocalist & composer Gaahl has created the new anticipated debut album “GastiR – Ghosts Invited” under the moniker Gaahls WYRD which certainly showcases distinct black metal roots but deliberately goes beyond such genre following an experimental and theatrical vision.
“Ek Erilar” is drenched in undiluted darkness as dense atmospheric layers add mystical depth to the asphyxiating blackened rhythmic patterns but there are also some epic moments well expressed by the sober distant chants and grave melodic guitars that amplify the mysterious vibes.
“Ghosts Invited” sometimes sounds less extreme stepping out of the traditional black metal formula but still maintaining a thunderous blackened force and in the end the dramatic clean vocals and the gloomy guitar progressions become more intriguing.
On “Carving The Voices” the darkened aesthetics acquire contemplative vibes through the sophisticated guitar melodies and the solemn vocal delivery that certainly evokes a multitude of grim feelings well supported by the primal rhythmic dynamics lurking in the dark.
With faster menacing rhythmic bursts “Veiztu Hve” returns to a more aggressive approach filled with steady monochromatic guitar riffs and mournful melodic accents surrounded by massive sinister chants and haunting atmospheres.
The obscure allure of “Within The Voice Of Existence” is constantly generated by ghastly whispers accompanied by the slow hypnotizing guitar progressions that will eventually evolve into a series of arcane rhythmic crescendos within an impenetrable darkness.
“GastiR – Ghosts invited” focuses on cryptic nuances and contrasting tonalities rather than a full blown black metal assault and ultimately Gaahls WYRD craft an extremely dark opus that is bound to trigger curiosity in the underground metal scene.