Founded by multi-instrumentalist mastermind Tamás Kátai,Thy Catafalque have demonstrated a limitless artistic evolution that now leads to the shapeshifting soundscapes of the 11th album “Alföld”.
“A csend hegyei” opens the portal to a darkened sonic realm as the band’s primordial black metal roots demand a series of asphyxiating rhythmic dynamics with incessant riffage and cavernous growls.
Within the murky atmospheric ensemble of “A földdel egyenlő” the monolithic rhythmic section focuses on extra speed and sheer brutality while celestial harmonies emerge from a distant dimension to bring solace.
The title track constantly manifests a complex composition using the brute force of extreme metal to generate malignant grooves in contrast with a melancholia infused melodic flow embellished by delicate female vocals while guitars have the chance to develop intricate prog style leads well supported by the precise drumming.
Throughout the instrumental track “Folyondár” a wild folk spirit takes over as the spellbinding violins and the magical flute convey uplifting feelings creating delightful melodic themes.
“Néma vermek” closes the album with a detailed mix of aggressive rhythmic blasts, enchanting folk harmonies and futuristic multi layered synths showcasing the band’s renowned experimental approach.
On “Alföld” Thy Catafalque once again can easily challenge the audience with an eclectic sonic vision yet deliberately choose to focus on the strength of classic extreme metal and massive guitar riffs.