Countless Goodbyes “Lost in Waves” – release party w/Irvikuvat, Without Warning and Atlases

Finnish band Countless Goodbyes released their second full-length “Lost in Waves” on October 10th, for the occasion they organized the release party on Saturday, November 9th at Annis Culture House in Pori, the city where the band started their journey. The first concert after a break of almost 5 years, changes in the lineup and also changes in the musical style.
For the occasion, the band wanted to share the stage with Irvikuvat, Without Warning and Atlases.
The first to take the stage were Irvikuvat, a six-piece band of melancholic Finnish metal. Next up, Without Warning from Turku. The band defines itself as a sonic metal experience, born from fusion and experimentation through modern metal. The last guests on stage is Atlases, a post-metal band from Pori. The band took advantage of this evening to celebrate and say goodbye to the historic singer Jamppa Lamminpää who decided to retire and in his place as singer takes over Jesse Simola already part of the band and responsible for synths, samples, backing vocals.
Finally it’ss the turn of the hosts, the modern metal band Countless Goodbyes who brought on stage the energy and emotion that they have carried inside for many years, proving to be more charged than ever and ready to tread bigger and more important stages even outside the Finnish borders.


Room Without Walls
Death Stood Before God
Pages and Chapters
Faith In Me
Who We Are
Hiding From Myself
The Fallen
Come Alive
Lost In Waves+Outro

Here the photos of the show thaken by Cristina Gregori.

Irvikuvat Interview

Irvikuvat describe their music as the love/hate child of Pantera and Mokoma. The Finnish band, after line-up changes, is working on the first full-length which promises to be different from what the band has proposed in the past with demos. We got to chat with the band before their show at Meara klubi and find out more about them and their music.
