Catalan experimental band Obsidian Kingdom has released an eclectic sophomore album entitled “A Year With No Summer” which features an interesting sonic ensemble of jazzy and progressive influenced tracks.
The title track offers a wide range of musical influences and pleasant melodies emphasized by a catchy rock chorus. Electro style layers maintain an atmospheric tone that creates a solid backbone for exciting tempo changes.
“The Kandinsky Group” has a more experimental avant-garde mood with plenty of darkened electro atmospheres and somber guitar phrases. Intricate prog influenced guitar work build a heavier and louder rhythm that grows into a doom sinister guitar driven crescendo with some dissonant accents.
“The Polyarnik” is a melodic instrumental piece with an apparent artsy minimalist approach and dreamy atmospheres embellished by modern electro accents that could appeal to a wider audience.
“Away/Absent” is not your standard radio friendly song as it delivers a rather challenging concoction of diverse styles and sounds including a final acoustic piece, starting after a silent gap, which seems almost out of place. Harmonious slower passages deliver translucent emotions while dense metal influenced rhythms create a chaotic mood.
Overall, “A Year With No Summer” might not be a perfect album but Obsidian Kingdom showcases a unique musical pathway with multiple creative stylistic features that easily cross average music boundaries.