Salt Lake City based duo Eagle Twin is proudly releasing the latest effort “The Thundering Heard” which far from being music for the masses it rather favors an enigmatic blend of doom and blues.
There is a primal force behind “Quanah Un Rama”, an archaic connection with nature, that leads to a heavily sludge oriented core with thick guitar riffs bearing the gloomy grandeur of traditional doom and raucous vocals with a sort of storytelling approach as the band maintains a cohesive rhythmic core spiced up by fuzzy experimental segments but offers also more accessible melodic moments and entertaining bluesy guitar acrobatics.
With a less intimidating approach “Elk Wolfv Hymn” begins with minimalist softer harmonies that aim to hypnotize the listeners before undergoing a sonic evolution that will bring eclectic tempo & style variations as well as nice melodic guitars that build intensity leading to another healthy round of bluesy solos and extra atmospheric themes.
The massive & majestic tonalities of “Antlers Of Lightning” inevitably amplify intricate rhythmic dynamics and with loads of sonic transitions, not always easy to follow, rumbling noisy guitars and bass create an apparent chaos before giving way to painfully slow doom style melodies and the consequent monochromatic but certainly monolithic vibes of such genre that will lead to a particularly somber final melodic ensemble.
Eagle Twin has crafted four lengthy songs dedicated to a select audience on “The Thundering Heard” which is the result of untamed music exploration in search of a personal style and the desire to defy standard boundaries.