Rising from the ashes of sognametal pioneers Windir Norwegian band Vreid has worked hard since 2004 to rightfully conquer a seminal status in the underground metal scene and the latest full length “Lifehunger” marks another successful chapter in the band’s flourishing career.
Guitars can sound really venomous on “One Hundred Years” which immediately showcases a profound blackened approach allowing darkness to descend upon the listeners with moments of sheer rhythmic brutality without forgetting a fair dosage of Vreid’s renowned black ‘n roll temperament yet due to the multifaceted songwriting approach here you can also find extra melancholic guitar melodies and dreamy arpeggios.
There is a darkened catchy mood on the title track courtesy of gelid guitar riffs, tormented growls and fiery rhythmic segments plus you simply cannot miss the charismatic lead guitar work and the wicked impactful blackened momentum that dominates the song’s final passages.
With stomping rhythmic fury “The Dead White” features some memorable groovy segments where fierce bass lines and infectious guitar riffs seem unstoppable but suddenly this massive darkness is interrupted by nostalgic acoustic arpeggios soon embellished by soulful melodic guitar leads.
“Hello Darkness” takes a different route as Vreid experiments with bleak atmospheric tonalities and softer yet still very darkened melodic guitars that generate a highly dramatic mood and certainly the brilliant haunting guest vocals courtesy of Aðalbjörn ‘Addi’ Tryggvason from Solstafir are a marvelous surprise.
The final instrumental track “Heimatt” features remarkable sognametal motifs as the eerie atmospheres introduce a rather somber melodic ensemble where slower guitars channel immense cold melancholia and it’s impossible to shake such wistful feelings even during the scattered faster blackened progressions.
Vreid are still delivering many elements of their signature black ‘n roll music style yet they are also ready to step out of their comfort zone following instinct and passion which are the key ingredients of the new enthralling opus “Lifehunger”.