Denver doomgaze band BleakHeart share a haunting multifaceted sonic vision on the debut full length “Dream Griever”.
“Ash Bearer” is surrounded by a darkly ethereal atmosphere and the sultry vocals can evoke a sense of perennial longing in the midst of a hypnotic melodic realm until the guitar riffs acquire hazy tonalities in order to generate heavier dynamics.
A whirlwind of intense emotions lingers through “The Visitor” as the multilayered synths create a fascinating daydream while guitars effortlessly shift from glowing melodies to monumental arcane riffs channeling a classic doom essence.
Listening to “The Dead Moon” we are stuck in a limbo between dream and reality as the slow burning guitar phrases and the contemplative atmospheric waves perfectly craft alluring darkened aesthetics embellished by the graceful vocal delivery.
The title track conveys a profound melancholia as the wistful piano melodies become entwined with the minimalist guitar harmonies surrounded by a shimmering atmosphere while in the finale the whole instrumentation gains an obscure energy that demands enigmatic psychedelic effects and monolithic riffage.
Reflecting on the absurdity of the human condition, BleakHeart confidently begin a cathartic sonic voyage that aims to spellbind the listeners with moody & dreary soundscapes.