French post-metallers Ingrina meticulously create surreal soundscapes on the sophomore full length “Siste Lys” conceptually inspired by metaphysical concepts, geological and oceanic tales.
“Jailers” is surrounded by a perennial murky atmosphere that emphasizes the emotional turmoil expressed by the monumental heavy rhythmic rampage in contrast with the dreamy shoegaze nature of the melodic guitar phrases that will evolve into intricate crescendos.
“Walls” holds a darkened soul as the dense atmospheric waves and the ethereal ambiance nuances flow gently around the contemplative melodic guitars and the distant ghostly vocals.
The harrowing atmospheric ensemble of “Stolidity” generates hazy rhythmic patterns fueled by solemn drumming and entwined with haunting guitar melodies leading to an enigmatic sonic realm that conveys poignant darkened feelings.
“Frozen” is definitely a trance-inducing track as the calm minimalist melodic passages might belong to another dimension floating within a misty atmosphere like a fading daydream and amplifying the dramatic aspects of the slow burning yet rather intense rhythmic patterns.
On “Siste Lys” Ingrina tells a metaphoric tale confidently embracing a cathartic sonic pathway that can lead to ecstatic dreams or even nightmarish vibes.