Renowned composer and multi-instrumentalist Nick Beggs founder of the progressive rock band The Mute Gods returns with a fascinating full length entitled “Tardigrades Will Inherit The Earth”. Lyrically this album is full of existential queries as it focuses on a grim exploration and rational analysis of the current precarious state of mankind’s existence due to numerous ill decisions and self-destructive tendencies.
“Animal Army” is surrounded by sober atmospheric arrangements but easily stands out for the enthralling guitar work with the right dose of prog style prowess and the pop influenced catchy chorus.
“We Can’t Carry On” acquires a darker mood as a sense of impending doom that pervades the lyrics is finely embedded in the guitar riffing, the highly inspired melodic breakdown and the super catchy chorus.
“The Dumbing Of The Stupid” has a more crunchy rock approach as the guitars showcase a more metal oriented style and sound. The melodic side of the song still follows similar pop rock themes nevertheless a deeper darkness takes over the guitar work adding an angry punch while elegant prog style solos create luminous polished harmonies.
The title track features a borderline mellow/happy pop rock rhythm that tends to keep a dominant role with retro keyboards and funky arrangements while the guitars try to maintain a crispy prog sound.
“Stranger Than Fiction” is a slower song focused on well crafted poetic harmonies, soothing vocals and warm piano melodies that evoke bright hopefulness for a better future.
With the sophomore release “Tardigrades Will Inherit The Earth” The Mute Gods deliver powerful stimulating lyrics and a compelling work of music where complex prog elements naturally embrace a radio friendly rock mood that will allow the band to reach a wider audience.