What enigmatic British project Nhor has concocted during last year is quite unique as four separate “Wildflowers” cassette tapes were released in very limited quantities, each depicting one of the four seasons. Now Prophecy Productions/Lupus Lounge have compiled “Spring”, “Summer”, “Autumn” and “Winter” together with an additional unreleased track for each season for a total of 100 minutes of music available on vinyl.
“Wildflowers” could not sound more poetic and emotional as the poignant piano melodies, bearing a refined classical inspiration and crystalline nuances, on these songs are performed with a rare spontaneity. Stripped of any special effects or loud distortions “Wildflowers” blooms in a drifting ethereal sonic world where everything flows like a dream, at times channeling immense melancholy or decadent romanticism or even luminous hopefulness, often chasing shadows in the night and always capturing images and feelings that otherwise might become fading memories.
Far from being an average album and dedicated to an open minded audience willing to enter the fragile dreamy world that Nhor has created,“Wildflowers” represents a different music experience best enjoyed under the moonlight watching the stars.