Post- black metal band Bosse-De-Nage returns with the new record “Further Still” which far from being an average collection of songs deliberately features a furious sonic turmoil.
“The Trench” doesn’t waste any time as the frenetic rhythmic blasts sound absolutely ferocious within a controlled chaos efficiently built by relentless guitar riffs and mighty drums while angered screams march steadily through such extreme sonic waves.
On “Down There” you might feel like you can catch a break as in the beginning strong bass lines generate slow minimalist dynamics until the uncompromising rhythmic fury and breakneck speed take over completely.
“Crux” offers enigmatic nuances and raw emotions through unusual and often uneasy blackened grooves briefly interrupted by unexpected rhythmic variations and introspective momentum.
“My Shroud” begins with elegant atmospheres channeling dreamy nuances in proper shoegaze fashion but its inner core is still very chaotic as the whole instrumental work is fueled by a primal blackened force.
“A Faraway Place” has a palpable aggressive approach that besides the black metal inspiration also channels hardcore/screamo elements to generate massive harsh guitar riffs and utterly enraged rhythmic patterns while guitars will acquire melodic accents in the song’s somber finale.
Since beginning to end “Further Still” hits you in the face with sheer brutality but Bosse-De-Nage also showcases a genuine desire to experiment with unusual and chaotic tonalities following an audacious sonic vision.