French doomsters Conviction fully manifest a heavy mournful sonic vision on the self-titled debut album clearly inspired by the dreary nuances of classic doom metal.
Listening to “Voices Of The Dead” you can instantly perceive the pain & misery embedded within the monolithic rhythmic patterns which can spontaneously lead to intense grooves as the bold guitar riffs and the dismal melodic phrases certainly belong to a cold darkened sonic realm.
The funereal atmosphere of “Through The Window” constantly highlights the obscure guitar tonalities and the dramatic vocal delivery while the slow & super heavy rhythmic segments will eventually acquire an energetic momentum.
On “Curse Of The Witch” the whirlwind of raw guitar riffs and thrilling leads create solid grooves so everything sounds more accessible without sacrificing the inner perennial darkness amplified by the slower monumental passages and the ominous growls.
A charming melancholia lingers throughout “Castles Made Of Shame” as guitars focus on minimalist melodies enhanced by a sorrowful vocal delivery until the massive grooves will take the center stage fueled by the grave tones of the riffage.
You cannot escape the immense gloom of “My Sanctuary” as the grim slow guitar riffs and the precise rhythmic section successfully maintain a constant sense of impending doom amplified by the somber melodic progressions and the solemn vocals.
Conviction proudly choose to follow a traditional doom pathway that on this first release inevitably leads to lugubrious melodies and tormented rhythmic patterns.