With a new line-up and untamed fury Nervosa unleash a massive thrash/death metal onslaught on the latest ravenous offering “Perpetual Chaos”.
“Venomous” is a perfect album opener as it incarnates the perennial rage that characterizes Nervosa’s music style so you will find an overdose of blistering guitar driven grooves enriched by the grave tonalities of the solo and the diabolical growls.
The faster merciless rhythmic blasts on “People Of The Abyss” generate an infectious riffage marching fiercely through an asphyxiating sonic realm yet when the tempo slows down a bit the guitar work promptly delivers intriguing leads.
The title track never fails to create energetic grooves courtesy of the inflamed rhythmic section yet the mood feels darker during the slower paced passages evoking a sense of impending doom.
On “Until The Very End” the vicious guitar riffs lead the way to a hostile rhythmic rampage channeling all the raw energy of old school thrash metal while the soloing adds variety with ominous progressions.
The ritualistic intro of “Blood Eagle” influences the darkened flair of the slightly slower rhythm yet the monumental drums and the galloping riffage can still generate enraged thrash blasts always amplified by the vicious growls.
Featuring an explosive performance by guest vocalist Eric Knudsen of Flotsam And Jetsam “Rebel Soul” manifests a straightforward groovy approach revolving around the obviously rebellious unrestrained rhythmic patterns.
On “Under Ruins” the slower guitar progressions add some melodic accents and naturally evoke a dense darkness that inevitably lingers through the crushing faster grooves unfolding around the malignant growls.
Nervosa confidently follow a classic thrash/death metal pathway delivering the expected dosage of savage grooves and as the title suggests you simply cannot escape the chaotic fury of “Perpetual Chaos”.