Philadelphia trio Heavy Temple begins a wild trip full of monumental grooves with a distinct darkened flair on the official debut album “Lupi Amoris”.
“A Desert Through The Trees” immediately manifests a fuzzy rock soul embellished by the sultry vocal delivery and the robust guitar riffs skillfully build intense grooves reaching the acme with an elaborate vibrant solo.
You can space out endlessly listening to “The Wolf” as the spacey guitar work creates a dense psychedelic atmosphere that will ultimately embrace a heavier momentum amplified by lugubrious doom tonalities.
On “The Maiden” the guitar progressions continue to convey trippy vibes with a delicious vintage essence while the rhythmic foundation gradually gains speed to generate monumental grooves enriched by explosive fuzzed out solos.
The fuzzy doom style of “Isabella” creates an obscure sonic realm as the monolithic riffage and the painfully slow rhythmic patterns become the dominant elements while the smooth bluesy tonalities and the extensive guitar solos naturally enrich the groovy dynamics flowing through the psychedelic atmospheric ensemble.
Throughout “Lupi Amoris” the mighty strength of the guitar riffs leads the way to a murky sonic maze with a taste for wilderness and spirituality as Heavy Temple confidently channel a cryptic doom laden force to captivate the audience.