In just few years Alien Weaponry have shaken up the modern metal scene and officially became the hottest young metal band due to a remarkable thrash & groovy style singing in the native indigenous language te reo Māori, so the sophomore full length “Tangaroa” is bound to raise interest.
“Titokowaru” immediately emphasizes the band’s heritage with rowing chants and the sound of waves that introduce a robust rhythmic section fueled by the gritty guitar sound and the serious warrior-like attitude.
“Hatupatu” features an interesting mix of ancestral vibes and modern metal dynamics as the primal force of the vocals certainly enhances the heavier aspects of the savage rhythmic patterns.
The enigmatic nature of “Ahi Kā” comes from the darkened flair of the soft guitar melodies and the strong tribal tones while riffs and drumming aim to deliver edgy rhythmic segments.
Switching to english lyrics but maintaining a wild vocal delivery the title track tends to focus on impactful rhythmic blasts certainly amplified by the rough guitar riffs and the extra speed.
On “Kai Whatu” nothing sounds polished keeping alive the unruly feel of the whole album and consequently guitar, bass and drums spontaneously build an aggressive rhythmic backbone.
“Īhenga” is full of unexpected twisted grooves so the rambunctious rhythmic approach and the feral spirit continue to thrive accompanied by the solemn tribal chants.
Following the acclaimed debut release “Tū” Alien Weaponry continue to draw inspiration from their culture and environmental surroundings and the consequent tribal flair often becomes crucial within the primordial grooves of “Tangaroa”.