Atmospheric black metallers Ghost Bath begin a new tragic journey crafting desolate soundscapes on the fourth full-length “Self Loather”.
Featuring guest vocalist CJ McMahon of Thy Art Is Murder, “Hide From The Sun” is filled with grief and suffering as the untamed riffage channels a blackened fury to build a massive rhythmic rampage but the bleak melodic passages hold a dominant role leading to a final heart-wrenching piano piece.
On “Shrines of Bone” the rhythmic section can easily acquire extra speed and rage fueled by the relentless guitar riffs yet a dreamy melodic essence is destined to emerge through the minimalist arpeggios.
“Sanguine Mask” relies on desperate screams and mournful guitar progressions to create an asphyxiating sonic realm surrounded by murky atmospheric waves reaching the acme with a crestfallen piano & strings combo.
“A Crystal Lattice” immediately hits you in the face with the sheer brutality of the blackened rhythmic blasts but soon guitars will embrace a harmonious approach evoking poignant emotions.
Featuring tormented vocals courtesy of Graf of Psychonaut 4, “Sinew And Vein” follows a slower monolithic rhythm amplified by the obscure guitar work that can naturally evolve into melancholic phrases.
The arcane atmospheric ensemble of “For It Is A Veil” gives way to a rather aggressive rhythmic assault yet once again guitars will shift the focus to a shimmering melodic sound enhancing the emotive themes.
With “Self Loather” Ghost Bath continue to shape their own sonic identity confidently combining ominous dynamics and gelid melodic aesthetics which inevitably express overwhelming grim feelings.