Following an acclaimed debut back in 2019, black metal icon Gaahls WYRD embarks on an esoteric journey with the new mini-album “The Humming Mountain” exploring topics of creation and consciousness.
The contemplative first track “The Seed” feels like a soothing daydream as the calm vocals follow deeply melancholic acoustic phrases flourishing within a darkly alluring atmospheric realm that seem to belong to another dimension.
The title track embraces a darker & heavier approach as guitars acquire lugubrious tonalities leading to a murky rhythmic crescendo enriched by a theatrical vocal delivery while the pale atmospheric accents sound like a distant humming.
On “The Dwell” a primal blackened force becomes dominant as the relentless guitar riffs diligently build faster hostile rhythmic blasts yet the subtle melodic passages still channel a reflective mood.
“Awakening Remains – Before Leaving” bears the mark of obscure traditional black metal as the aggressive drumming and the visceral guitar riffs march triumphantly through an arcane atmosphere.
Pursuing an introspective artistic vision Gaahls WYRD shifts from a harmonious spiritual essence to utterly harsh blackened dynamics throughout “The Humming Mountain” which will definitely garner interest while we patiently wait for the next full-length.