Bald Anders is the band that allows former Lunar Aurora musicians Benjamin and Constantin König absolute artistic freedom and the result of their ongoing music exploration is the sophomore album “Spiel”.
“Das Achte Haus” takes you to the middle of a forgotten dark forest where anything can happen as the instrumental passages spontaneously shift from peaceful melodies and subtle atmospheric layers to harsher guitar driven moments depicting the contrasting nuances that characterize the whole album.
“3 Wunsche” might sound more dramatic with solemn vocals leading the way to a world of passion and imagination relying on darkly atmospheric arrangements until the rhythmic section delivers bursts of blackened energy.
“Taugenichts” offers a faster pace with consequent stomping guitar riffs and fierce screams yet mystical organ melodies and calm atmospheres will hold a crucial role creating surreal soundscapes.
On “Verhext” the instrumental segments become darker fueled by wicked guitar riffs yet folk oriented violins will often bring profound melancholia and softer melodies.
The guitar riffing rampage and wild soloing on “Le Fuet” favors darkly feverish rhythms amplified by an underlying blackened force but the song will often morph into a peaceful melodic entity with enigmatic arrangements.
The sonic realm of “Spiel” is made of fairytales and nightmares adorned by folk themes and raw blackened elements as the music pathway chosen by Bald Anders seems full of surprises.