Denver-based doom band In The Company Of Serpents explores philosophical and esoteric themes around the notion of a Prima Materia behind everything in the manifest universe on the darkened new album “Lux”.
“The Fool’s Journey” is in fact an immersive sonic journey beginning with mystifying atmospheric tapestries and soothing harmonies that will evolve into a massive doom tinged instrumental ensemble offering a bold series of heavier rhythmic patterns entwined with overwhelming mournful feelings.
“The Chasm At The Mouth Of The All” changes the scenario choosing a slower tempo to highlight a darkly warm sound and the western nuances of the compelling guitar progressions that reminisce of a laid back desert jam session yet the rhythmic section and the vocals can often channel heavier dynamics.
“Lightchild” is surrounded by an enigmatic dark aura that leads to spacey guitar melodies but soon picks up speed and significant sludge vibes that ultimately generate monumental riffage and groovy rhythmic patterns.
The mystical atmosphere of “Prima Materia” conveys a bewitching darkened sonic realm where moody acoustic passages bring back a strong western flow following a hazy rhythmic ensemble that will fully embrace a solid sludge formula with gritty guitar riffs and fierce bass lines.
The obscure music pathway of “Lux” perfectly matches the complex lyrical concept as In The Company Of Serpents can certainly unleash crushing sludge dynamics but also aim to surprise you with a multifaceted melodic soul.