UK grindcore pioneers Napalm Death have been releasing ruthless extreme music for nearly 40 years and the latest offering “Throes Of Joy In The Jaws Of Defeatism” aims to showcase that their ferocious creative approach is still relevant within the modern metal scene.
You cannot escape the incessant fury of “Fuck The Factoid” as the massive riffage, the inevitable breakneck speed and the angered growls keep a straightforward brutal formula.
“That Curse Of Being In Thrall” continues to rely on a full blown sonic aggression through the expected super heavy rhythmic section and obviously the overdose of unrestrained guitar riffs which barely slows down at times.
“Contagion” doesn’t necessarily deviate from the familiar blueprint but the rhythmic patterns can successfully follow a mid-paced tempo that highlights the somber tones of the groovy guitar work.
On “Invigorating Clutch” the guitar phrases and the atmospheric textures channel a perennial sense of despair around the ravenous growls and the belligerent guitar riffs.
Throughout “Amoral” the guitar riffs embrace darker vibes and a rebellious attitude with a slight punk influence that leads to slower and absolutely catchy rhythmic dynamics.
The title track begins with insanely harsh growls that foreshadow the majestic force of the blistering rhythmic onslaught constantly fueled by the wicked combo of savage riffage & drumming.
The ominous atmosphere of “A Bellyful of Salt and Spleen” demands a slightly slower yet absolutely menacing rhythm as the industrial oriented ambiance generates a dystopian sonic realm amplified by the lugubrious baritone vocal delivery.
With an incredibly extensive & successful career Napalm Death now simply show no mercy as they continue to unleash a grindcore force that on “Throes Of Joy In The Jaws Of Defeatism” will leave you shattered & satisfied.