Emerging from the vast Dalarna forests, Swedish doom rockers Besvärjelsen manifest a magnetic sonic vision through the darkly alluring soundscapes of the latest full-length “Atlas”.
“The Cardinal Ride” marks an energetic beginning as the excellent guitar work spontaneously unleashes memorable riffs well supported by the groovy drums and the dazzling soloing reveals charming vintage nuances.
“Acheron” instantly channels a majestic doom rock force through significantly heavy obscure rhythmic patterns and slower bewitching progressions enriched by the grim guitar tonalities and the sultry vocal delivery.
“Clouds” constantly evokes pure melancholia as the haunting guitar phrases and the elegant atmospheric textures craft enticing melodic crescendos reaching the acme with an eloquent solo.
On “House Of The Burning Light” the galloping riffage naturally builds intense heavy rock dynamics spiced up by a subtle sinister flair and the striking vocals ultimately lead to an addictive chorus.
“Obscured By Darkness” aptly conveys nocturnal vibes through the magical atmospheric accents surrounding the spellbinding vocal harmonies while the soaring guitar riffs inevitably follow a monumental doomed pathway.
“Divided Ends” brings a grand finale with hypnotizing melodic tapestries and a wild rhythmic ensemble constantly fueled by the explosive drumming and ultimately leading to an extensive eclectic guitar solo.
Fueled by a mystical flair throughout the darkened world of “Atlas” Besvärjelsen confidently maintain an ideal balance between eerie melodic aesthetics and robust grooves destined to captivate the listeners.