Founded by former Bolt Thrower singer Karl Willetts and Benediction bassist Frank Healy, Memoriam have been unstoppable and the latest release “Rise To Power” is bound to solidify their musical identity within the extreme metal scene.
Throughout “Never Forget, Never Again (6 Million Dead)” the doom elements remain fundamental evidently amplifying the sorrowful lyrical themes through the crestfallen guitar tonalities while the hostile rhythmic section delivers intense grooves.
“I Am The Enemy” definitely stands out for the enthralling guitar work that effortlessly creates a deeply gloomy melodic flow emphasized by the slower rhythmic patterns but the gritty riffage naturally leads to faster and more aggressive dynamics.
“All Is Lost” doesn’t waste any time focusing on the colossal drums and the visceral riffs to consistently channel old school death metal influences but also you can appreciate the tasteful guitar harmonies.
The title track is another solid effort as once again the band skillfully combines charismatic guitar melodies and venomous rhythmic blasts further enhanced by the guttural growls.
Besides the massive guitar driven grooves “This Pain” manifests a strong doom inspiration featuring slower pensive passages where forlorn arpeggios flow gently through an eerie atmospheric ensemble.
Undoubtedly on “Rise To Power” Memoriam craft some memorable songs demonstrating the ability to seamlessly blend the heavy weight of doom and the brutality of classic death metal.